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torsdag 31 maj 2012

Review from CtrlAltElite

Here is the reiew from CtrlAltElite(Swedish). They rate the game with 5/9 which feels great since they rate diablo 3 with 9/9, so half as good?  =)

It feels great that people takes time and try out this game, we are now on 50+ downloads on the freeversion. Hopefully people will take the step to the fullversion from there and try out the rest of the maps.

tisdag 22 maj 2012

Tutorial for the leveleditor

I have started to create a tutorial for the leveleditor, theres some useful info there even though it isnt done yet.

So if you have downloaded the leveleditor and it doesnt make any sense, check out the tutorial here

lördag 19 maj 2012

Fullversion is alive!

OMA proudly presents: Jons space adventures! Probably the best game ever ;)

The fullversion is now up in Google Play.
Download and rate it.

Android app on Google Play

Theres a free version up there too if you wanna check it out before buying it.
If you want to know more about the game lok at this page.

fredag 18 maj 2012


The swedish gaming site ctrlaltelite mention us in a post, and will review the game once its out :)

link to page

lördag 12 maj 2012

Freeversion alive

The freeversion of Jons Space adventures is now online on GooglePlay

Android app on Google Play

Download and rate 5 star ;)

Launching the freeversion today

Its time to launch the free version of this game. Keep your eyes open on the googlePlay to see when it pops up.

By releasing the freeversion first Im hoping to find more unsupported devices. This will give us a better launch for the fullversion.

This also mean that the betaversion will be removed from this site. Thanks to all the betaplayers who has been helping out with the game :)

The fullversion will be launched within a few days :)

fredag 11 maj 2012

Getting ready for release

Were moving towards the release on googleplay.
Theres another mapPack ready for the release, so the game will have about 80 maps when released.
And the first mapPack has been reorganized in terms of difficulty, so each map will be more difficult than the one before. This will hopefully make the gameplay funnier.

We will also release a free version of the game with about 20 maps so new players can try the game before downloading the full game.

torsdag 3 maj 2012

New version

The latest version 0.26 will not overwrite the old version. That leaves you with two options, you either uninstall the previous version or you keep both. Then have no idea which one youre playing ;)

Bugfixes and polishing

We're working on fixing the last bugs and polishing the game for release.
Going to try a beta test on and see if something good comes out of it =)

tisdag 1 maj 2012

New shiny version

Everything that was being drawned each frame is now moved to openGL, should raise the Fps quite a bit on older phones.

Download the latest version here: New shiny

Moving stuff to openGl

The game has 2 layers that build up the drawing on the screen. First an openGL in the background that shows the game and then a Canvas layer infront that shows menus and status.

After some testing on older devices I noticed that by disabling the Canvas layer the Fps got much higher and smoother. By watching "method profiling" in Eclipse I had suspected this, using a Handler and Canvas takes alot of cpu. 

So after the result from the tests Ive decided to move all the gameplay elements that was in Canvas to openGL. 
Menus will still be in the canvas layer, but they will not be called every frame. 

Things will be running smoother from now on :)