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FREE leveleditor

We(I) have also developed a leveleditor that we(I´m) releasing so that you guys can make your own maps.
It requires Java 1.6
And can be downloaded Here, well down there, one row down...
Download: Level editor
v 0.29

Just downloaded it and wondering how it works?
Check out the how to here

How to play your levels in the phone:
1: Create your maps and save them on the computer.
2: Download your maps on the phone(The download folder works great).
3: Start the game.
4: In the first menu theres a button called "import maps" press it.
5: You should now see the file system in your phone, locate your maps.
6: Press on any of your maps, all the maps with the same pack-name will be imported into the game
7: Go back to the main menu, press "New game"
8: Your maps should be here now.
9: Play :)

Here's a video showing how its done.


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